Recent Restorations


The first restoration is from a panel in a window, quite broken by vandals, from a church in Cardiff. It’s a mixture of original painted and stained pieces along with remakes that I made to match the originals that were beyond repair.

The tint of glass was matched to the original pieces and then samples were made to match the colour of glass paint and silverstain. Then the repainting could begin, followed by firings in the kiln before the panel was releaded and installed back where it belongs. Along with extra support bar for additional security.

The removed vandalised panel

Painting the replacement pieces

Releading on the bench

One side soldered the other to go

Viewing the repainted area

The panel reinstalled

The second restoration below is a simpler panel, located in the Rhondda, not needing any painting, just glass matching and releading. Due to the vulnerable location of the window a new polycarbonate window guard has been installed for extra protection.



Protective polycarbonate guard