St David Lewis, Bettws, Newport

When reading the suggestions of themes and ideas of what the window should represent it became clear to me that the window was about the church itself, reflecting its history and relationship to the community, both old and new. What came over very strongly to me and resonated as a theme for the design were the words,

‘Their faith was strong, their spirit relentless, their sacrifices great’

Through layers of symbols I’ve created the design to reflect this statement and the church as a whole.

The church is symbolised in the centre of the window with the circular form and paten or communion plate representing the sacrament of Holy Communion and the bringing together of people. This central motif frames all the other symbols.

I chose to represent the words ‘Faith, Spirit, Sacrifice’ by using the dove to represent the Spirit, the cross as a symbol of sacrifice, in Christ’s sacrifice for our salvation, and the symbol of the Jesuits referring to St David Lewis, whom the church is dedicated to, as a symbol of faith in his act of martyrdom.

Underneath the cross are root like shapes symbolising the roots of the church’s congregation of Irish families. The roots turn into the cross and behind the cross faded in the background is the clover leaf, a symbol of christianity originating in Ireland and a metaphor for the Holy Trinity.

The multicoloured flecks moving to the centre of the window represents the welcome to the Church from other cultures of the world with the daffodil, symbol of wales, appearing to the left of the cross reflecting a new home in Wales.

The colour blue as well as being a beautiful colour in glass is also a symbol of faith, truth and reflection. The triangular composition reflects the altar wall and ties in the design architecturally with the building.